Llama Hugs!
Lead a llama, hug a llama, yoga with llamas—we guarantee you’ll be smiling! Visit llamas at our farm, join a llama summer camp, enroll in the adopt-a-llama program or schedule a llama inspired birthday party at the farm. We can bring our llamas to your special event or classroom. We also offer llama therapy visit opportunities. When booking your farm visit, double-check that you’ve selected the correct date and time.
Llama Birthday Parties
Llama Farm Visits
Llama Therapy Visits
Meet Ashley & Evan!
Rick Carlson, the llama whisperer, has cut back his time, but the Carlson “Kids,” Ashley and Evan, are carrying on the fun at the family farm. All contact information will remain the same!

Llama Birthday Parties Voted #1 BEST PLACE FOR CHILDREN'S PARTY
Waconia Patriot “Best of Section”
Our children’s birthday parties are unique, natural, meaningful and fun. The experience will create fond memories for your child and their friends for years to come. Book your party online!
Gift Cards Give the Gift of a Llama Experience
Great Fun For All Ages!
Give an unusual and wonderful gift to your friends and family—give them a Carlson’s Llovable Llamas Gift Card!
2025 Llama Camps Voted #1 BEST PLACE FOR SUMMER CAMP
Waconia Patriot “Best of Section”
Registration for 2025 Llama Camps will open on February 1st at 7 am. Camp dates are June 10, 11, 12 and June 17, 18, 19 and June 24, 25, 26 and July 8, 9, 10 and July 15, 16, 17. Camp times are 9 am to 2 pm. The cost is $250 per child.
Plan early! Llama camps posted on February 1st, 2024 were full in minutes. When registering include name, age, grade and camp dates preferred. We will call you for camp confirmation.
Llama Outings & Therapy We bring our llamas to your location or event
We bring llamas to your classroom, community event or private event. We also schedule llama therapy visits at your location. Schedule a Llama Outing.
Cria (Llama Babies)
We have llama babies in the spring of the year (April and May). Llama babies are up and walking shortly after birth. Follow us on Facebook, we always post new baby pictures! Set up a farm visit in springtime to mingle with them.
Need Gift Ideas? All Things Llamas!
Check out our yarn, wool, raw wool and wool products, T-shirts, stuffed llama toys, notecards, socks, etc. We have new processes with new fibers coming in periodically. All of our yarn is natural and from individual llamas.
We also have Llama Compost. Llama compost has a high nutrient value. It is an extremely good garden and plant fertilizer and it is low odor.
Llovable Llamas at Large Minnesota Zoo
Our llamas will be at the MINNESOTA ZOO again this year, from late May through Labor Day at the Llama Trek Exhibit.
More Llamas at Large

Feel the Smile! Voted #1 BEST PLACE FOR YOGA
Waconia Patriot “Best of Section”
Carlson’s Llovable Llamas
8380 County Rd 10 East,
Waconia MN 55387
Direction Alert
Apple Maps will send you to the wrong location if you don’t include “East” or “E” in the address. We are East of Waconia. The entrance to Carlson’s Llovable Llamas is just north off of County Rd 10 on Nelson’s Cartway. Parking on the right.